It’s been a looooooong time since I were afforded the opportunity to share anything on ‘this’ platform. Please know that it wasn’t due to a lack of interest or things to share or because I was just too busy but it was a direct result of spiritual adherence and understanding. Truly, I have missed being able to share, expound or reveal the various expressions of God and yet I wouldn’t trade anything for the time and the experiences I had along the way!! As much as I would like to speak to the year 2013, I’m not licensed to do so, at least not at this time, so I’ll just say thank God for the many wonderful things He did last year!!!
Well, here we are: TWO THOUSAND AND FOURTEEN!! It is indeed the Lords doing and it is marvelous in my eyes!!!
As much as I would love to delve right in and hit the ground running, I dare not share or express anything before its time, nor will I speak to something that is not fully developed in my own understanding, so for now I’ll just conclude by saying it feels umph umph Good to Be Back!!!!
Gods Best!